Matthew Sutter's Blog

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The Often-Overlooked “Shadow Method”

Have you ever felt like you're drowning in tasks? Juggling meetings, training new hires, and trying to keep your head above water – it's a common struggle for leaders. You know delegation is key, but how do you ensure a smooth handover when...

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Clarify Before Critiquing: A Path to Understanding and Respect

Today, I want to talk about something we've all experienced at some point: the urge to critique someone when we think they've made a mistake. Whether it's a coworker, a friend, a family member, or even a customer service representative, our...

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How to Know If You Have the Right People in Your Organization

One of the most common questions I get when I’m on the road is: “Matt, I’ve got this person in a role and I’m just not sure about them. Should I keep them or let them go, and how do I know if I’ve got the right...

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Leading in Fear & Chaos

While I work with entrepreneurial leaders in several different fields, much of my leadership background is within the real estate industry, in which I’ve played an active role for over 20 years.  If you haven’t heard, that...

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