Team and Brokerage Advances

Beginning, Middle or End of Year Session

For: Sales Teams and Brokerages
Length: Half or Full-Day


 Whether setting the stage for the following year’s priorities, goals and strategies, or conducting a mid-year reset or relaunch, hosting a business advance is one of the most opportune times to create cohesive buy-in within your entire organization around your goals and strategies.  In these dynamic, inspirational, focused and fully customized half or full-day sessions, Matthew and his team will walk your agents/staff/associates through a series of activities that foster team-building, encourage buy-in into the goals, create alignment as to focuses and strategies, enhance organizational culture, and foster a “we are in this together” mentality, with increased commitment and accountability, as well as clarity as to what each person’s role within the goals is.  These events can be dramatically customized to meet the needs of your organization and can include additional training and education to be completed before and/or after the event, to further drive execution towards the goals.