The Power of Persistence in Reinforcing Your Company Vision

Clients often ask me about the frequency with which they should share (and re-share) their vision within the company.

My answer is simple: over and over again! And when you think you've shared it too many times, share it again.

Here's the truth: As a leader, you think about your vision every day. 

It's the first thing on your mind in the morning, the last thing at night, and occupies your thoughts 99% of the time, even during other tasks. Your business vision may even show up in your dreams! But, that's likely not the case for most of your team.

While we might wish for employees who share our level of obsession with the company's vision, (I know we all want to believe that we can hire and retain people who are as obsessed as we are about our company)it's unrealistic. That doesn't mean they aren't committed; it just means the vision isn't consuming their minds as it does ours.

As leaders, we might feel like we're repeating ourselves too often, assuming our team knows the vision inside out. However, when polled, the vast majority of employees don't know the vision of the company they are at, even after hearing it multiple times. That's why we need to keep revisiting it frequently. As a reminder: the word “frequently” here means over and over and over! 

Leaders aren't just responsible for creating the vision; they must ensure everyone in the organization knows it and lives by it. 

Don't underestimate the need for repetition. You might get sick of sharing it long before others truly understand it. But remember, it's about them, not you. If they need to hear it ten times per week for it to sink in, then your job as a leader is to share it ten times per week. 

Sharing a compelling vision attracts talent to your organization, but sharing it once won't suffice. Consistently bringing it to the forefront guarantees alignment and implementation across the organization, ensuring that everyone in the boat is rowing in the same direction towards the shared vision.

Make a commitment to share your vision repeatedly (yes, that means over and over and over). Only then will you see true buy-in and successful implementation.


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